Algorithmic Fairness: Ensuring Equity In Automated Decision-Making

Understanding Algorithmic Bias and Fairness

What is algorithmic bias and why does it matter?

Algorithmic bias occurs when automatic decision-making systems produce unfair outcomes due to errors, assumptions, or discrimination in the way they were designed or the data they were trained on. This matters because algorithms now play a huge role in determining access to opportunities and resources in areas like hiring, lending, policing, and more. If left unchecked, algorithmic bias can perpetuate and exacerbate existing societal biases, leading to discriminatory impacts on marginalized groups.

Sources of unfairness in algorithms

Biased data

Training data that is incomplete, unrepresentative, or contains human biases and assumptions can lead algorithms to develop unfair correlations and problematic decision boundaries. Historical discrimination and broader societal biases may be reflected in data used to train machine learning models.

Poor proxy variables

Algorithms often use proxy variables as substitutes when protected attributes like race or gender are unavailable. However, proxies may implicitly encode biases against marginalized groups. Using poor proxies can allow discrimination to enter algorithmic decision-making in an obscured way.

Overlooked populations

Unfairness can emerge when the design of an algorithmic system fails to consider impacted groups, especially disadvantaged populations. Without inclusive design practices, marginalized communities may be harmed through exclusion or inappropriate scoring methods.

Techniques for increasing algorithmic fairness

Data preprocessing

Data used to train models can be preprocessed to improve representation, remove proxies that encode bias, and balance class distributions. Techniques like supersampling minority groups and pairwise resampling can help reduce discrimination.

Model constraints

Building constraints around parity, fairness criteria, and bounds on algorithmic unfairness directly into models can promote equity. Methods like adversarial debiasing and regularization terms impose algorithmic fairness during training to counteract discriminatory patterns.


After a model has been trained, its predictions can be adjusted to align results for different groups and balance tradeoffs between accuracy and fairness constraints. Techniques like threshold optimization and calibration attempt to mitigate harm while preserving overall performance.

Implementing fairness constraints with code examples

Adjusting thresholds

# Set threshold to equalize false positive rates between groups
fpr_a = calculate_fpr(group_a_predictions)  
fpr_b = calculate_fpr(group_b_predictions)
combined_predictions = np.concatenate([group_a_predictions, group_b_predictions])
threshold = optimize_threshold(combined_predictions, parity_constraint=abs(fpr_a - fpr_b))
adjusted_predictions = apply_threshold(combined_predictions, threshold)

Regularization terms

# Add fairness penalty term to model loss function
def cost_function(predictions, labels):
    discrimination_cost = unfairness_metric(predictions, protected_attributes) 
    standard_cost = compute_error(predictions, labels)
    lambda_param = 0.5
    return standard_cost + lambda_param*discrimination_cost


Adversarial learning

# Use adversarial network architecture 
model = ClassifierModel() 
adversary = AdversaryModel()

for batch in batches:
    # Update classifier to minimize classification loss  
    class_output = model(batch) 
    class_loss = classification_loss(class_output)
    #Update adversary to detect protected attribute
    adv_output = adversary(batch) 
    adv_loss = adversary_loss(adv_output) 

Ongoing challenges in algorithmic fairness

Defining and measuring fairness

There are many mathematical definitions of algorithmic fairness, often with inherent tradeoffs between metrics. Choosing appropriate mathematical fairness formalisms and quantifying algorithmic harms involves complex statistical and ethical considerations.

Accurately determining protected attributes

Expanding algorithmic fairness requires accurately detecting membership in protected classes like race, gender, and disability status. However, automatic systems for demographic assessment raise concerns around ethics, privacy, and accuracy.

Tradeoffs with accuracy

Incorporating non-discrimination constraints can reduce the predictive accuracy of models. Navigating tensions between fairness and performance remains an open challenge, requiring context-specific determinations of acceptable accuracy loss to prevent harm.

The importance of diversity and transparency

Achieving long-term fairness in algorithmic systems requires going beyond technical interventions alone. Fostering diversity among teams designing technologies, extensive transparency and auditing processes, and centering stakeholder participation are critical for upholding principles of equity and justice.

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